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+86 010-61596868
E-mail: admin@hope-full.com.cn
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+86 0316-5996801
Add: NO. 8 Huifu Road, Yanjiao Economic Development Zone, Sanhe, Hebei, China


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Personnel Standards
1, strong sense of responsibility, wants to do a good job for not shirk its job.
2, focus on their own to see, despite the difficulties, there is not up to not give up the determination and confidence.
3, hard work, easy to learn, can humbly learn from the experiences of others, weaknesses.
4, open innovation, not step by step, the creative work done.
5, good communication, both will work, we will live to experience the joys of life at work.
6, kind-hearted, there is a strong team spirit, is able to understand others people.
phones: 0316--3388000,010-61596868 E-mail: admin@spyjia.com
Fax: 010--51879393,0316-5996801 Address: No. 8 Fuk Road, Beijing East Yanjiao Economic Development Zone

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Tel: +86 0316-3388000, +86 010-61596868  E-mail: admin@hope-full.com.cn

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E-mail: admin@hope-full.com.cn

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