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The exciting 365 days after general secretary of CPC visited HOPEFULL

Release time:2011-01-13

——Anniversary conference for the implement of inspection instructions given by the general secretary of CPC

  The January 1st 2010 is the most happy and memorable day for HOPEFULL ever because Mr. Hu Jintao, general secretary of CPC, visited HOPEFUL on that day. In order to celebrate this glorious day, Mr. Shi Kerong, Chairman of HOPEFULL held a symposium to review the instructions given by general secretary, shared those moments of happiness, sum up brilliant achievements over one year implementation of the instructions and build the future of "twelfth five-year"
  There are more than 200 people attended the meeting including leadership team and the worker representatives who was greeted by the general secretary. During the meeting, everybody speaks enthusiastically, mentioned that they were inspired by this incentives, gained broaden thought, improved the working initiative and obtain great achievements. Finally, Mr. Shi made an important speech emphasizing that we gained great achievements in the first year after the visit of the general secretary with new status and features. Then what about the second year? How about the "Twelfth five-year" planning in the future? Mr. Shi pointed out clearly that the instructions from general secretary should be the guidance for the development of HOPEFULL forever, the spirit should be maintained and carried forward constantly.

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